
Birding For Everyone

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Birding For Everyone: All The Information You Need To Start A Fascinating New Hobby

Among the fondest and most memorable moments of childhood are the discoveries of songbirds nesting in the backyard. The distinctive, mud-lined nests of robins and their beautiful blue eggs captivate people of all ages. Likewise, the nesting activities of house wrens, cardinals, chickadees, and other common birds can stimulate a lifelong interest in nature. The Birding For Everyone package provides you with the information you need to start a fascinating new hobby that will provides hours of joy for you and your family.

Common Birds of North America is the perfect beginners guide to identifying the most common birds. With this illustrated guide you will be able to readily identify everyday birds. The birds depicted in this book are valuable reminders. We need them; we need the same clean and wholesome environment upon which they rely; we must work to ensure their continued well-being (and that of other migratory and non-hunted species) so that our own future can be assured. You will find this guide to be your first step in appreciating the hobby of birding.

As you learn to enjoy the beauty of birdlife around your home, you may wish to improve the “habitat” in your yard so that more birds will visit your property. It doesn’t matter where you live – in an apartment, townhouse or single family dwelling, in the city, suburbs or country. Just stand still and you’ll hear them: wild birds. It is hard to imagine life without them. And you can watch them just about everywhere. The most convenient place to start is right in your own yard. Habitats For Birds tells you how to create an inviting place for birds to visit and enjoy.

Now that you know how to attract birds to your backyard and what birds you are attracting,why not treat them to some bird cuisine that you can cook up in your own kitchen? Recipes For The Birds gives you 50 easy to make bird treat recipes. Everything from bird cookies to bird salad, birdie breakfast to bird pizza, you can create a cuisine that the birds will just love! Recipes For The Birds will make you the envy of the neighborhood when the birds start flocking to your own 5 star restaurant for the birds in your backyard.

As your appreciation of birding grows, as we know it will, so will the need for more advanced information on the different species of birds. The Birding Manual provides just that with over 700 pages of in-depth descriptions of every North American bird. The Birding Manual takes you from being the casual backyard birdwatcher to becoming an avid birdwatcher. It won’t be long and you will be planning trips to bird sanctuaries and other parts of the country, so you and your family can hone your birdwatching skills and The Birding Manual will be one of the first things you will want to take with you.

Bird watching is one of the fastest growing forms of outdoor recreation in the country. Each year millions of people discover for the first time the joys of birdwatching. It’s easy to understand why. Birds are fun to watch. The Birding For Everyone Package is the easiest, fastest and most inexpensive way to get started. You will receive immediate download in PDF format, which is viewable on any computer, and you will be able to read it on your monitor or print any pages that you may want to take with you on your next birding trip. Order the Birding For Everyone package today and get started immediately enjoying the hobby that millions of other people have already discovered.


Series #1: Common Birds of North America: An Illustrated Guide to 50 Of the Most Common North American Birds

4. Baltimore Oriole
5. Barn Swallow
6. Chickadee
7. Blue Bird
8. Blue Jay
9. Bobwhite
10. Brown Creeper
11. Brown Thrasher
12. Canada Goose
13. Cardinal
14. Catbird
15. Cedar Waxwing
16. Chimney Swift
17. Chipping Sparrow
18. Cowbird
19. Crow
20. Downy Woodpecker
21. Flicker
22. Goldfinch
23. Grackle
24. Green Heron
25. Herring Gull
26. House Sparrow
27. House Wren
28. Junco
29. Killdeer
30. Mallard
31. Mockingbird
32. Mourning Dove
33. Myrtle Warbler
34. Nighthawk
35. Pigeon
36. Purple Martin
37. Red-eyed Vireo
38. Red-headed WP
39. Red-winged BB
40. Robin
41. Hummingbird
42. Song Sparrow
43. Sparrow Hawk
44. Starling
45. Towhee
46. Tufted Titmouse
47. Turkey Vulture
48. White-breasted Nuthatch
49. White-crowned Sparrow
50. Wood Pewee
51. Wood Thrush
52. Yellowthroat
53. Yellow Warbler
Baltimore Oriole (Icterus galbula)
Look for this bird in groves and shade trees in residential areas of towns and suburbs.

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Birding For Everyone
Original price was: £3.99.Current price is: £0.99.
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